Domestic Animals

Feeding Chickens: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Kitchen Scraps and Garden Treats

The time has come to talk about chickens and what they can eat. A chicken is a wonderful animal. She will eat many of your kitchen scraps and spent plants and weeds, while producing not only eggs, but also nutritious manure for the garden, feathers, and hours of silly entertainment. A chicken can also

What is Permaculture?

If we look around us, we can see evidence of environmental degradation. We might see a stand of trees that has been chopped down. We might have friends or relatives who have lost their homes or towns to a wildfire. Perhaps we hear about the extinction of a species we know and love. Now

The Inner Life of our Pets

The Hairy Chap I was sitting at the dining room table, working on my computer, when my biggest cat Itchy The Fluffinator sauntered across my keyboard, slapping me in the face with his enormous feathery tail, before hopping down to perch upright on a stool and gaze at me without blinking. I wondered

By |2025-01-01T14:37:56-08:00February 28th, 2022|Animals, Communication, Companionship, Domestic Animals, Habitat|0 Comments
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