Drought Chronicles

Coming to Terms With the Dirt

The Dirt. A few weeks ago, after pondering all the chaos in the world, I decided to sow seeds for winter crops like beet greens, hardy lettuces, arugula, and cilantro. The rains hadn’t yet come, so I knew I was in for some hard work. I took my shovel and hori knife and turned

Chronicle Two – Fear of Fire

All summer long I was terrified that my house would burn down, in fact, not just my house, but my whole town. Every day I scanned the weather reports, hoping against hope for rain. When I went on a trip, my husband had to stay home, in case of fire. He’d be home to

By |2024-11-09T11:12:25-08:00October 28th, 2021|Drought, Drought Chronicles, Wild fires|0 Comments

First Chronicle of the Drought

Emergencies make for an interesting and surprising journey. When I first heard that our town had declared a level 3 water emergency, meaning no outdoor watering at all, I went into my own emergency mode. I put buckets in the tubs and showers and sinks, declaring that no flush should occur with fresh water.

By |2024-11-09T11:13:14-08:00September 30th, 2021|Drought, Drought Chronicles, Food Preparation|0 Comments

Introduction to The Drought Chronicles

Yesterday we dug a grave for a much loved cat. She was hit by a car, and she was only five years old. She was a glorious creature, filling our garden refuge with her magic and playfulness, chasing butterflies, rolling around in the dirt, playing hide and seek with her squirrel friend. It seems

By |2024-11-09T11:14:46-08:00August 30th, 2021|Drought, Drought Chronicles, Wild fires|0 Comments
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