Monthly Archives: November 2024

The Three Sisters Garden

This is part of a new series of blog posts for beginner gardeners. These posts may be a little shorter and more specific in nature. The Three Sisters garden is a companion planting technique that maximizes the amount of food harvested, while organizing the plants in a way that gets them to

Perennials – plant just once, save money and work, and preserve soil structure

This is part of a new series of blog posts for beginner gardeners. These posts may be a little shorter and more specific in nature. Every gardener asks the question, what should I plant now? Many of us end up planting lots of annuals: tomatoes, beans, peppers, corn, squash, to

This is a Good Time to Make Sauerkraut!

This is part of a new series of blog posts for beginner gardeners. These posts may be a little shorter and more specific in nature. Some will focus on ways to deal with what you grow, and how to preserve your harvest. The garden is slowing down and it's getting cold outside,

On Memories, Social Media, and Falling in Love

My mother graced us with enormous creativity and talent. She sang in and directed operas, taught young singers how to act and direct, wrote a book about how to teach opera, and decorated her home with paintings she made and mosaic tables she assembled.  She loved vibrant colors everywhere, and huge vases full of

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