
Tour the Pollinator Sanctuary and Learn the Basics of Permaculture

If you shift your focus from planting only for yourself, to planting for a whole non-human community, you will discover that you receive more. As you feed pollinators, so they will feed you.

Reducing Energy in Food Preservation

You can go ahead and call me a nerd, and it would be true. I engage in many nerdly pursuits and thought patterns. When I’m driving my car, with my phone charging, I find myself wondering if charging my phone in the car lowers the car’s performance just a tiny bit, so that the car

Strategies For Growing Food in a Changing World

It’s that time of year! The time when I take stock of my seed supplies and decide what to plant, when to plant, and where to plant. In past years, I’ve usually planted whatever I wanted, just for the joy of tasting new varieties and species, but these days I’m feeling external pressure to anticipate

Coming to Terms With the Dirt

The Dirt. A few weeks ago, after pondering all the chaos in the world, I decided to sow seeds for winter crops like beet greens, hardy lettuces, arugula, and cilantro. The rains hadn’t yet come, so I knew I was in for some hard work. I took my shovel and hori knife and turned

On Anxiety and Grief in the Time of Ecological Collapse

I’ve always had trouble sleeping, but in recent years it’s gotten much worse. I used to stay up deriving formulas on my ceiling before a calculus exam, or running through a piece of viola music in my head, to see if I had it memorized. Perhaps I was anxious, and rather than count sheep

Introduction to The Drought Chronicles

Yesterday we dug a grave for a much loved cat. She was hit by a car, and she was only five years old. She was a glorious creature, filling our garden refuge with her magic and playfulness, chasing butterflies, rolling around in the dirt, playing hide and seek with her squirrel friend. It seems

By |2024-11-09T11:14:46-08:00August 30th, 2021|Drought, Drought Chronicles, Wild fires|0 Comments
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