food preparation

Wild and Weedy

For many years I waged war in my garden. I dug dandelions out of my lawn, using a tool called Grandpa’s Weeder, and I made huge piles of wilting Sheep’s Sorrel, which slowly dried up in a distant corner by the big pine tree. Every summer my back complained, and every spring the weeds returned

Reducing Energy in Food Preservation

You can go ahead and call me a nerd, and it would be true. I engage in many nerdly pursuits and thought patterns. When I’m driving my car, with my phone charging, I find myself wondering if charging my phone in the car lowers the car’s performance just a tiny bit, so that the car

Strategies For Growing Food in a Changing World

It’s that time of year! The time when I take stock of my seed supplies and decide what to plant, when to plant, and where to plant. In past years, I’ve usually planted whatever I wanted, just for the joy of tasting new varieties and species, but these days I’m feeling external pressure to anticipate

The Magic of Elderflowers

Lace leafed Elderflower This year we’ve had an unusual amount of rain, which is heavenly after the years of intense heat and drought we’ve had recently. The plants are ecstatic, growing rampant, rioting all over the yard. Early in the morning, I stand in the still humid air and breathe deeply, reveling in

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