Elderflower Sorbet
This may be the most delicious sorbet I’ve ever had. My friend Rachel sat at my dining table in a trance as she sampled it, her eyes glazing over as she stared out the window. She looked stunned, and then she recovered, said, “wow!”, and demanded the recipe.
The preparation takes only about 30 minutes, but there is a lot of waiting time. You'll have to let the ingredients steep, and you'll have to let them freeze twice. So you can get a lot of other things done in between!
Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and let steep, covered, for 2-4 hours. Now filter this concoction through a sieve and freeze in a covered container. After about three hours, when it’s starting to freeze up, put it in the food processor and puree it. It will get a bit fluffier. Freeze again. After a couple more hours, do the same thing. I find that pureeing two times suffices.